I was a student at Liceo Scientifico F. Martini in Asmara, and while
surfing the net I saw names and pictures that took me back to the
good old days ... Peter Niderreiter, Carla Raffone to mention few.
Where are they now? I would like to get in touch with some of them
... Just the memories bring back tears of joy, tears of sadness
and tears of the good old days long gone and the days that I will
cherish for the rest of my life. Would it be possible to get me
in contact with the Liceali of the 1970-1974??
Thanks a million... seeing the old pictures made me cry!! though
I did not see any of mine!!
Ghirmai - email:
il messaggio di Ghirmai (Ph.D. Sr. NMR Applications Chemist a New
York), a cui diamo il benvenuto su questa pagina: egli è
alla ricerca dei suoi compagni di Liceo, ne ha citati solo due ma
li ricorda tutti (Gestri, Alam AbdulAziz, Buzunesh G/sellasie, Bellucci
Luana, Bigi Roberto, Biniam Efrem, Cavanna Massimo, Raoul Di Gioacchino,
Cordaro Sandra, Daolio Mauro, Festa (?), Gelal Aberra, Giudice Luciano,
Guma Massimo, Livadiotti Marco, Ellen Efrem, Simone Efrem, Vatalakis
Angelica, Michelotti Claudia, Pastori Valerio, Pichi Marinella,
Mussie Ifter, Zahainesh, Ifter, IrgaAlem GhebreMicael, Viola Marcello,
Venturini Marco, Adam Ahmed, Ibrahim Mohammed, Kedigia Mohammed,
Birri Aradom and Elsa Kidane). Ragazze, ragazzi, scrivetegli, lo
farete felice.
il C.